This Video of a Boy With Autism Zipping His Jacket Is So Heartwarming
By Margo Gothelf
4 min read
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This may just be a simple video of a boy zipping his jacket up, but for one mother and her family, it was a major accomplishment.
Mandy Farmer is a mother who writes about her children and her family life on her blog, From Motherhood. Recently, Farmer shared a video of her 6-year-old son, Evan, zipping up his jacket by himself. While it may not seem like a big deal, it meant the world to Farmer.
Famer’s son has autism and has spent months working in therapy on this small gesture.
Check out the amazing achievement below.
“You know how we say autism families don’t take things for granted? This is what we mean,” Farmer wrote on Facebook.
Farmer’s son has spent multiple hours in therapy in order to achieve this skill. Farmer explained in her Facebook post that Evan’s motor skills are “very far behind” and simple tasks are very hard for him.
“We can tell people about how hard he works in all of these therapies and that he still can’t effectively use a spoon or fork, or independently dress himself, or tolerate a room with loud noises, but watching this short clip says it better than I ever could,” Farmer said to Today. “Things are this hard for him, and yet he never gives up. Life is all about perspective.”
Many people on social media were quick to reach out in the comments section and share how amazing his achievement truly is.
“Way to go! I am an Occupational Therapist at an elementary/middle school for children who have autism. We live for these little milestones that make a huge difference as we strive for independence! I teach kids self care skills, fine motor coordination, writing and living skills,” one user shared.
“Beautifully said! I’ve experienced similar things with my daughter and it’s just so awesome when they break through and get it after working so very hard at things,” wrote another.
As a result of this, Farmer is excited that her video is helping to raise awareness.
“I hope legislators will see this and realize when they slash education funds, early intervention funds and Medicaid funds, these are the people they are hurting ― people who have all of the potential in the world if they are given the right tools to reach that potential,” Farmer told The Huffington Post. “I hope insurance companies see this and realize that when they deny an autistic child or child with dyspraxia or cerebral palsy therapy, this is the progress they are impeding.
She continued, “I hope therapists and special educators will see it and be proud that they make such a difference in autistic individuals’ lives. And I hope others with children with special needs will be encouraged and know that milestones will come in their own time and with hard work the impossible is possible.”
For Farmer, the response to the video has been incredibly positive.
“We have been overwhelmed by the positive response to this clip,” Farmer wrote to Your Daily Dish. “It warms my heart to know it’s encouraging other families and individuals with and without special needs to never give up. He works really hard to accomplish daily tasks and I’ve learned from him to take nothing for granted.
Mandy Farmer Shares This Inspiring Moment on Facebook.
See the full post below and check out Farmer’s Facebook page, From Motherhood by Mandy Farmer:
“You know how we say autism families don’t take things for granted? This is what we mean. E is 6.5. Fine motor skills are so very far behind. He can’t write yet or draw a square. And honestly those things don’t concern me as much as the self-care fine motor issues. Opening packages, dressing, feeding himself with a utensil. People have no idea how hard our kids have to work to be able to accomplish these tasks consistently.
There are so many therapies that can help, but so many do not have access to those therapies. He has been doing this program for about a month and is now zipping independently, but I want you to be mindful of how much effort it still takes. When we give our kids the opportunity they can work hard and reach a higher potential. It is so exciting to see him meet these milestones, even if they’re met on a different timeline than that of his peers.”
Credit: From Motherhood by Mandy Farmer
Posted by Love What Matters on Monday, March 20, 2017
(H/T Today)
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