Excited Cat ‘Raises The Roof’ and the Internet Loves it
| By Kenny Servera
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As human beings, it’s easy to tell when we’re excited about something. We jump up and down, hoot, holler, throw our hands up in the air; there’s a lot of telltale signs.
For one new cat Instagram star, it seems maybe she’s learned a thing or two from humans.
A cat named Keys is setting the social media world on fire after photos of the cat sitting back on its hind legs with her paws up in the air went viral.
Peter Mares, the caretaker of the cat, told reporters he saw Keys doing this ridiculous stretch one day and had to snap the photo of it. When she did it again the following day, Mares gave the feline coconut oil. Now, she can’t seem to stop.
When the Internet caught wind of the strange behavior, the memes started to roll in.
Some compared the cat’s unique pose to raising a “spirit bomb,” a move that Goku uses to defeat his opponents in the popular anime franchise, Dragon Ball Z.
Others compare it to a half-hearted attempt to start the wave, a one-lettered version of the ever-popular “YMCA” song, or just a case of awkward arm syndrome.
Check out some of the memes below. Who is the coolest cat in the universe? You are Keys!
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