This Adorable Rescue Goat Wears a Duck Costume to Calm Her Anxiety
| By Margo Gothelf
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Meet Polly, a partially blind baby goat who dresses up as a duck to help calm her anxiety.
On top of being partially blind, Polly suffers from a neurological impairment and is severely underweight. Luckily, an animal rescue group called Goats of Anarchy took Polly in and was able to help with her conditions.
Leanne Lauricella, Polly’s owner, first found the duck costume when shopping around during Halloween. Lauricella thought the outfit would look cute on Polly and originally did not consider how it could help her anxiety.
“As soon as I put it on her, she just instantly got calm,” Lauricella told The Dodo.
The duck outfit seems to have the same effect as being swaddled in a blanket and instantly put Polly at ease.
“There’s something about that duck costume that calms her,” Lauricella said. “She goes into a little trance. She just closes her eyes and she’s out.”
Before the suit, Polly would run frantically around the house always looking for Lauricella.
“She’ll find a corner of a wall in the house, and she’ll just start sucking on the wall,” Lauricella explained. “So all the corners in our house have these little suck marks from her mouth.”
Lauricella has also experimented with other costumes, finding the same calming effect with a few different animal outfits. However, the duck outfit seemed to work best.
Check out Goats of Anarchy on Facebook and Instagram for more adorable pictures of Polly.
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